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Join our next FREE writing challenge!

Do You Have a writing dream or a writing nightmare? Want to find out?
We’re not going to sugarcoat this, because you deserve the truth!
Can you believe most writers struggle and ultimately fail.  Out of those who actually start writing a novel, can you believe only 3% finish?
It definitely makes us feel sad…
But here’s the encouraging thing…
Even though most writers fail to find consistency and finish writing, there are just a few key reasons why they do, which presents an extraordinary opportunity for YOU.
Because when you know what those key reasons are, you can choose a different path.
After over 20 years each of helping thousands of writers develop their writing techniques, and skills as well as understand the submitting process and how the publishing world works, we’ve had a front-row seat to see what makes the difference between those who flourish and those who never achieve their writing dream.
And it’s not what you think.
Most writers struggle NOT because they don’t work hard enough — but because they’re working WAY too hard on all the wrong things.
That’s why so many people get stuck in a writing nightmare or dead end and have no idea how to get out.
How would you like us to show you the escape route?
You’ll learn:
💥 The secret to getting your writing process working faster, and with less effort, than you ever thought possible.
💥 What kind of mindset tricks work to stop you from procrastinating, developing overwhelm and how to stop imposter syndrome dead in its tracks.
💥 How to focus on the critical few things that *really* matter for your writing.
To celebrate the 4th birthday of our mentoring community Writers Ink, we have launched a 100% free writing experience happening from Monday September 25th to Friday, September 29th.
Our free 5-day writing challenge will show you how to finally find a writing method that suits you, what writing faults are tripping you up as well as answering all the questions you have about writing, submitting, getting an agent or getting published.
If you want to join, you only have to agree to two things…
One, you have to commit to showing up in the pop challenge Facebook group and taking part in the 5 straightforward tasks during the week.
Two, you have to click the link below so that we can send you the link to the group just before the challenge starts.
This could be the start of something amazing for you.
We can guarantee you will learn plenty, understand what’s tripping you up with your writing and your mindset and then you can SORT it out!
If you don’t know who we are… We are the creators of Writer’s Ink – Vanessa Fox O’Loughlin, aka best-selling author Sam Blake and journalist and mindset mentor Maria McHale.
Check out our testimonials and stop causing yourself grief – sign up with us for 5 days of tasks as well as a nightly live Q and A where we answer your questions – you WILL end the year on a high.
Our success rate is a testament to what we have created in Writers Ink. This is our 10th challenge and we KNOW what works.
If you’re sick of your own excuses, click the link and sign up for the free challenge. You (and your writing) deserve it!

Click here to register:

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