Inkwell Success Stories

Inkwell has had many, many successes over the years, with Inkwell Writers placing their work in magazines, winning short story competitions and landing book deals, here are the personal stories of just a few…

Click the link to see a more detailed list of the authors we have placed with agents and publishers, and those we have helped along the way.

Inkwell Assist Patricia to Publication

Patricia Byrne writes poetry, fiction and nonfiction. A graduate of the MA (Writing) programme of NUI Galway, she lives in Limerick and first came to Inkwell via Patricia O’Reilly’s Writing Historical Fiction online workshop. Trying to get her voice ‘right’ in the book, Patricia contacted Vanessa O’Loughlin to critique the opening chapters

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Amy Cronin’s Blinding Lies

Writing has always been how I relax, even if the subject matter is far from peaceful – I am drawn to thrillers and crime sagas that reel me in and keep me hooked! 2020 is the year we’ll remember for the pandemic, for home-schooling, and waiting for the daily updates…

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Self-Publishing Star Catherine Ryan Howard

Within a short period of time Catherine Ryan Howard has gone from unknown to star blogger of the self-publishing world. With four books behind her, here Catherine shares about working with The Inkwell Group.

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Success in Unexpected Places: Alana Kirk

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a determined writer in possession of a good skill, must be in want of a publishing deal. All happy writers are alike; each unhappy writer is unhappy in their own way. Inkwell helps with both of these adapted literary lines.  I have always…

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Helping Jane to Serve Up a Treat

When she first began writing about four years ago, Jane Travers knew she was writing into the void. She went hunting for professional advice and found Inkwell. She has never looked back and here she shares her story.

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Success for Caroline Finnerty – In A Moment

Before I had attended an Inkwell workshop, I had been writing on and off for a few years and had noticed a pattern forming. I would start off a novel full of enthusiasm but then usually at around 30,000 words into it, I would start to wane. The self-doubt would…

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Paul McNeive’s Manhatten Project

So You’ve Had Your First Book Published? You’ve Just Started Learning! My first thriller The Manhattan Project was published by UK publisher, Black and White Publishing, in May of 2018. The book was published initially in the “trade paperback” format-that’s the large size book that has replaced the traditional hardback,…

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Getting You Published: Some Of The Authors We’ve Helped…

Inkwell is Ireland’s leading literary talent scout. We find authors through many different routes but principally through our reader’s report and manuscript assessment services. We don’t offer to help to place every author we work with – scouting is discretionary and an entirely separate strand of what we do  –…

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Helen Marie Clarke Over The Moon With Over PJ’s

My grand-uncle Patrick Joseph Clarke was a charming man and he made a great success of his local bar on 55th Street and Third Avenue in Manhattan.  He opened the bar, called Clarke’s, 100 years ago in 1912, ten years after he arrived from County Leitrim. Uncle Paddy lived over the…

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Lousie Phillips

A Writing Journey With Irish Crime Novel of the Year Winner Louise Phillips

Every writer out there knows the simple and often daunting truth, that when it comes to writing, it is at times a lonely path. Louise Philips tells how Inkwell helped smooth the way to success.

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Six Figure Deal for Freedom’s Child

I was convinced long before I heard about The Inkwell Group that I’d just written a bestseller. I suppose this wild confidence comes to many writers after they type the much anticipated words ‘The End’ after years of hard work and mental anguish…perhaps this was just me. But the confidence…

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War & Piste with Alex Thomas

Having recently launched her debut novel in London, Alex Thomas shares about her route to success and the “wonderful experience” of working with The Inkwell Group.

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Lisa Burkitt’s Scent of Success

This week sees the launch of two publications by Lisa Burkitt. Her debut novel, The Memory of Scent has been published by the History Press while Best Paris Stories an anthology of short stories, has been edited by Paris Writers News, and both are now available for purchase.

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Cutting the Ribbon for Derry O’Dowd

The Scarlet Ribbon, the debut novel from Derry O’Dowd, is the fiction line launch novel for The History Press Ireland. In an unusual collaboration between father and daughter, Michael and Katy O’Dowd (writing under the pen name Derry O’Dowd), the novel is a romance, set during the years 1737-1742 in Paris, London, Dublin and Galway.

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American Dreams: US Success for Inkwell’s Hazel Gaynor

From being made redundant to star blogger and freelance journalist, Hazel Gaynor explains how The Inkwell Group have helped her pursue her writing dreams.

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Love is the Easy Bit for Mary Grehan

Getting published is a slow process – everyone tells you that – and then unexpectedly it speeds up to a pace that leaves you breathless.

That happened for me last August when I sent the first three chapters of my first book profile, synopsis and agent’s letter to Inkwell Writers as part of their submission service.

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Two Book Success For Laura Jane Cassidy

I attended my first Inkwell Writing Workshop in 2007, when I was 20 years old.  My Mum cut out the advertisement from the Irish Times because she knew I really wanted to be a writer. I thought the one-day course on writing commercial fiction sounded really interesting, and I booked…

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All’s Well with Inkwell: The Global Suitcase by Mary J Dinan

When I decided to embark on my book writing journey I knew nothing whatsoever about the process. I had so many questions.  How many pages would I write? How would I put it together? Who could I get to help? Where would I send it? I had no idea about…

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Transforming My Novel: Sheila Turner Johnston

So. I had this manuscript. It was a first draft and a bit rough round the edges, but it was there. There was a pile of printed paper with a beginning, a middle and an end. My working title for it was Shalom. I took it out every so often,…

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Philip Coleman and The Master’s Book

I’ve always been a pretty voracious reader, taking in everything from classics to fantasy, thrillers and children’s books. While I used to write a lot in my teens, my university studies (a B.Sc. and a Ph.D in botany), followed by a job in the civil service, marriage and children, pushed…

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Maria Duffy

Any Dream Will Do for Maria

For as long as she could remember, Maria Duffy dreamed of writing a book and a phone call to Vanessa O’Loughlin at Inkwell proved to be the most important of her life. Here she shares her story…

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