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Pages of Stories ABBA Anthology

ABBA was an incredibly successful band whose music resonates with people to this day. 40 years ago this band came out of nowhere and won the Eurovision contest becoming an overnight sensation around the world.

Of course that’s what it seems like to the lay person, but ABBA didn’t come out of nowhere. Like many hard working people ABBA started out small and grew to prominence in Sweden in the early 70’s. They showed an amazing amount of determination which, combined with their musical gifts, proved to be their path to success.

Each of the members of ABBA had musical success on their own prior to becoming a part of this group. They were singers and songwriters and had a number of hits in Sweden before the Eurovision contest. Winning this contest vaulted their success into the stratosphere. (For fun I’m including a link their Eurovision entry. Dig the gold boots! .

As far as I can tell, there are nearly 100 recorded songs in their repertoire and while I don’t know all of them, I do know that many of them lend themselves to some great stories. ‘Dancing Queen’ , ‘Fernando’, ‘Knowing Me, Knowing You’, and ‘Our Last Summer’ are just some of the tunes that sets my imagination spinning. But the one that really does it for me is ‘I Have A Dream’. I have the lyrics for that song up on my desk and I look at it regularly.

What we would like to see is that an ABBA song forms the basis of the story. Each of the stories should refer in some significant way to an ABBA song. Each story should be a minimum of 1500 words up to 7,000. Before submitting a story please send an email to and indicate which song you want to use. As ABBA has so many songs, we’d like to ensure that as many of them as possible are being used.

The stories themselves can be light-hearted or dark and mysterious. It’s really whatever you see when you hear a particular ABBA song. Thank you for taking up this challenge and I can’t wait to read what you write!

Darlene Poier, Publisher

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